Friday, April 3, 2009

it's been so long

I know, I know. It's been ages. Over a month to be exact. But I'm a busy little bee with no laptop and no camera. I sit at work all day in front of a computer and the last thing I want to do when I get home is do more of the same.

But I love this blog and I love anyone who actually takes the time to read it. So, I vow to you (my lovely two or three readers), that I will get back to this shit asap. Kay?



Marta said...

Haha I understand... I used to work with a computer all day long too and ended un HATING computers! And, of course, neglecting my blog.

Porcelain Garden said...

Yeah, I come home knowing that there are a bajillion things to explore online, but work is such a buzkill!

Good hunting!