Friday, April 16, 2010

back on track!

I'm back! Sorry for the long delay!

Since I've been gone, lots has happened. Baby Julian was born after a long and arduous labor that ended in an emergency c-section, but both baby and mom are just fine (thank god!). Josh and I got new whips (yeeee!), a new and better couch suited for full-family-cuddles was ordered and I'll be heading off to work soon, which of course means that a new wardrobe, that is more forgiving, is needed.

Also, Holier Than Now nominated me for some award! Not really sure what it is, since I haven't had much time to check it out, but it's super nice to be noticed.

Lastly, Coachella is this weekend. I can't go this year, due to momma duties, which I don't mind at all, but sure wish I could be there somehow! The line-up is ridiculous as usual and who wouldn't love to see Jay-Z? Regardless, I packed in a few shows the last couple of weeks/months. I got to see the XX, Little Dragon and Jemina Pearl, the first two being super super good, and I'll be seeing Camera Obscura next week in SF.

Anywho, I'll be back on blog duties, hopefully doing some catching up!

1 comment:

Christina said...