Sunday, December 27, 2009

one size does not fit all

I'm sure you've all read about and seen the images of the new V issue, the "size" issue. But we may not all agree on is whether or not the magazine did Crystal Renn any justice or whether it actually succeeded in trying to say that size doesn't matter. Sure, featuring her in this spread is a step forward in the right directions, but as Jezebel points out, why the comparison to a "true size" model? If this issue was truly about how the difference between the two girl's sizes isn't an issue, then making them pose side by side, as if comparing the two, defeats the purpose. So, here is the spread one more time, just in case you really didn't see it, but I only posted Crystals pics, because well....she's the only reason I would care to see this anyway. Enjoy and discuss.

1 comment:

Olive Tree said...

Hi, it's a very great blog.
I could tell how much efforts you've taken on it.
Keep doing!