Thursday, October 1, 2009

Stuff For Yadira

Alright, Yadi, I miss you! I've been thinking about you a lot lately, and when i read your post about what to wear now that you got a bun in the oven, and i got to thinking "there has to be other maternity fashionistas other than Nicole Richie!" I did find some other ones that are pretty good but you're right, Richie is still the best.

C'mon... I wanna wear both these outfits and I'm not preggs.

This is sweet and simple.
Actually I think I wear this exact outfit when I'm feelin' chunks.

I can never decide how I feel about denim dresses,
but I think this is real cute...
in a Practical Magic kinda way. Eh?

THIS little violet dress is adorable! Yadi, we need to make you one of these!
It reminds me of the terry cloth onesies my grandma always wore.
Three's Company, heeey!

I hate Angelina but love love love this dress
and can totes see you wearing it.

OR you could just be comfortable, relax and really enjoy mother hood like Britney Spears! Hah!
Who am I kidding, we both know thats probably how I'll dress when I'm preggers (many years from now).

Look... I even found you some Halloween costumes...

just kiiiiddddddiiiiinnnng!!!

Why would anyone dress like a slutty witch/spider when they have a baby in 'em?
Not cute.

See Yads, aside from those last few examples there is plenty to wear. You will be the mama Nicole Richie of Midtown once that belly really starts showing. I love you!


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